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Geocoding Utility

CloudServices required to leverage the geocoding utility. Contact Support to get started.

This utility geocodes Addresses, updating the fields: Latitude, Longitude, and Last Geocode Attempt.

Initial Setup and Requirements

We must install and enable this Utility for you. Contact Support to request this.

A Bing API key must be configured.


The routine will run automatically overnight and calculate values for 5000 records. This means it may take some time before all addresses in your database are geocoded.

The Utility can be run manually for more records by sending a request to support (up to a 20,000 daily limit).

The following fields are updated when an Address is geocoded:

  • Latitude 
  • Longitude 
  • Last_GeoCode_Attempt

There is a database trigger on Addresses so if an Address_Line_1 is changed, the Geocoding values (and Household Distance/Drive Time) are cleared.

An attempt to geocode an address is made if ALL of the following conditions are met:

  • Latitude or Longitude is NULL
  • Last_GeoCode_Attempt > 30 days
  • Do_Not_Validate is False

See Also