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ICS Event Calendar Feed


CloudServices is required to obtain the ICS Event Calendar Feed. Contact Support to get started.

Making a move from the Portal to Widgets and need to update your Feed URL? Reach out to Support to get your new URL. Provide them with your current Event Details URL, and they'll send the new URL you can integrate into your site.

Having all of your Events in the Platform is great! But what if you could also add them to iCal, Outlook, or a Google Calendar? That way, you could see all your events in one place and make them available to people who aren't in the Platform as often. Well, you can do that -- with an ICS Event Calendar Feed!

All you need is a feed URL. This URL supports a query string to filter the results that you see in your external calendar. See the information below to determine how you want to filter it for your needs. Note: Regardless of the options used, canceled Events are not returned.

Once you have your feed URL, you can add it to your calendar application. Consult your application's help files for information on how to do this. If you use Google Calendar, see Add Events to Google Calendar.


Filtering Events to Display on Your Calendar

A query string contains parameters and values separated by an equal sign (=). The first parameter starts with a question mark (?) and additional parameters are prefixed with an ampersand (&). See the following example which shows Featured Events for a single Congregation:



Will select the TOP 1000 Events starting greater than or equal to this datetime up to 12 months. If not specified, the value used is 1 month in the past (today - 1 month).


Will select the TOP 1000 Events ending less than this datetime. When not specified, the value is 12 months in the future (today + 12 months). Note: endDate must be used in conjunction with startDate. 

Notes Regarding Date Parameter Options
  • If dates are not specified, the results are limited to 1 month in the past (today - 1 month) to 12 months in the future (today + 12 months).
  • The following are valid date formats:
    • m/d/yyyy
    • mm/dd/yyyy (leading zeros)
    • m-d-yyyy
    • mm-dd-yyyy (leading zeros)
  • The ICS spec has two types of dates: UTC or "floating time." We're using "floating time," which means the date parameters do not contain any time zone information. That is determined at the website level.

When true, only events with the Featured On Calendar bit field will be returned. (Default: false)


When true, only events with active registrations will be returned. (Default: false)


When anything but null, only events for the specified MinistryID will be returned.


When anything but null, only events for the specified CongregationID will be returned.


When anything but null, only events for the specified ProgramID will be returned.

Room ID

When anything but null, only events for the specified RoomID will be returned.

Location ID

When anything but null, only events for the specified LocationID will be returned.


A single or comma-separated list of Visibility Level ID's (1-5) (Default: 4)

Note that if you use anything other than 4, you will likely have to set OnlyApprovedEvents=false


When true (default), only return events where the _Approved and _Web_Approved bit fields are true. When false, ignore both fields.


Show extended event information in details (Rooms, Servicing, Resource, Links, etc. )(Default: false)


Show a specific event based on the EventID.
