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Opportunity Responses


Opportunity Response records associated with Default Contact should be edited and updated to an actual Contact. 

For more information about how these get created in your system, see Default Contacts.

Data Health Report Card

The Customer Portal Report Card gives an A grade when you have a decrease of at least 5% from previous month (or none). The number counted is Opportunity Response records associated with Default Contact. 

Our developers are looking into a tool to assign Default Contacts of Opportunity Responses.  Keep a look out for that in a future release! In the meantime, assigning default contact opportunity responses is a manual process.

Here is what we recommend:

  1. Create a view on the responses page that shows all Default Contact responses. Include First Name, Last Name, and Phone columns from the Response record fields.
  2. Use the Add/Edit Family Tool as needed to create Contact and Participant records for individuals who are not already in the database. This can be done efficiently if the view is set up as mentioned above so you can simply reference the columns for the values needed in the Tool.
  3. Change the Participant field on the Response record to the correct participant record.

Ways to Improve

Portal Configuration
Views and Notifications