Your Knowledge Base has moved to the new Help Center.  Check out the release notes for details. And don't forget to update your bookmarks and in-house documentation before May 28.

Removing from an Event

To end the association between specific Events and Groups, you need to delete the Event Group records. This process doesn't delete the Events or the Groups themselves - rather, just the connection between them. To do so, delete rights are required on the Event Groups page and the Groups sub-page of Events.
Delete with care! This is a powerful tool and should be used with extreme caution. Any data deleted from MinistryPlatform is completely gone. Recovering deleted data requires Professional Services and incurs a cost. As such, this functionality should be limited to users who are trained to use it wisely and correctly.
To delete Event Groups, you can either:
  • Groups page > open desired Group record > go to Events sub-page > select the Event(s) to remove > click Delete > confirm deletion.
  • Facilities > Event Groups page > clear selection > select the records to remove > click Delete > confirm deletion.