Your Knowledge Base has moved to the new Help Center.  Check out the release notes for details. And don't forget to update your bookmarks and in-house documentation before May 28.

Portal Configuration


You have direct control over some settings on the Portal. A SPoC can view and edit these settings, and use the Portal Admin page to have any setting changes take effect immediately.

Configuration Settings

Some items are configured using MinistryPlatform in Administration > Configuration Settings. See Configuration Settings for a complete list of settings. 

Web Configurations

Some items are configured using the Portal configuration files on the server. 

  • The Username displayed when no one is logged in (default = anonymous). The key to modify is called LogoutTokenDefaultText. 
  • The shopping cart label for viewing the contents of a transaction. The key to modify is called ViewCartText
  • The subject line for the "online_giving_email" email template.
  • The subject line for the "event_registration_email" email template.
  • Help Text for the "share link" (mission trip giving page).
  • Instructions for new users who are linked to the My User Account page via the New Message Tool in MinistryPlatform.
  • "Contact Not Found" message (only displayed if you disable new contact creation via the Portal).
  • "Suggest A Group" button text on My Groups.
  • Mission Trip Giving 'campaign' title
  • Free Checkout Instructions (tells the user that they need to complete checkout even for a transaction that requires no money)
  • "Content Not Found" message (only relevant if your church is using the content management feature)