Your Knowledge Base has moved to the new Help Center.  Check out the release notes for details. And don't forget to update your bookmarks and in-house documentation before May 28.


Q1: Why don't some gifts show on the My Contribution Statement page when they show on the My Giving page?
  • Confirm that the Statement Cutoff Date is set appropriately on the applicable Accounting Company. Note: Standard Statements considers both the date and time when determining the statement cutoff date. Want to include all donations made through December 31? Set the Statement Cutoff Date to 12/31/[year] 11:59pm.
  • Confirm that the donations meet the criteria to show on a statement.
Q2: Can we set the Statement Cutoff Date to be many years in the future so we don't have to change it every year?
Ultimately, this is a decision specific to what each church prefers. The Statement Cut-off Date is designed to give churches control over what years of Statements donors can access. Some churches do not want people to be able to print a Contribution Statement for a year that is not completed, and use this date to prevent a current year's Statement from being accessed before all the current year's gifts are accounted for.
Q3: Can Capital Campaign Details not appear for people who have a $0 amount?
This field can be removed from the statement, but it will remove the Pledge details for all Donors. There is no option to have the field show for some Donors and not for others.
Q4: When a User clicks Save as PDF, an error is generated. What should I look at to troubleshoot?
First, go to Church Structure > Accounting Companies > open the applicable Accounting Company and confirm that the Statement Footer field does not contain any html. Next, test from another Portal user to determine if it is generating an error for all users or only a certain Donor. If the issue still isn’t remedied, contact Support for assistance. 
Q5: Why, in the PDF, is the logo not centered as it is on the page?
The logo is hard coded into the top left of the PDF and is not editable.
Q6: Is it possible to use HTML in the statement footer on the Accounting Companies page to control how the formatting looks on the My Contributions Statement PDF?
The statement footer WILL NOT work with html. This will cause an error when downloading a pdf.
Q7: How do I email a donor their statement?
The "Contribution Statement" Snippet can be emailed to the donor, this will log them in and display their Contribution Statement page in the Portal. See these articles for instructions on using Snippets and the New Message Tool.

Q13: Why are Donors' Pledge Balances incorrect as they review different years' statements on the Portal?
The Portal Statement can only show one Pledge Campaign at a time, the one that is set on the Accounting Company. The Pledge value is the total amount the individual has committed to give. The Balance is the amount that was committed to give, minus the donations that were made- it is what is left for them to give.

That Pledge Campaign will show on the statement for any year that is selected from the drop down, regardless of if it was active or not. The Pledge's Pledge value on the statement will show the total amount that is Pledged, regardless of the year that is selected. The Balance of the Pledge will show the total amount Pledged minus the sum of the donations that were made in the year that is selected.

If there were no donations made towards the Pledge within the year that is selected, the Balance will be the same as the amount Pledged.