Your Knowledge Base has moved to the new Help Center.  Check out the release notes for details. And don't forget to update your bookmarks and in-house documentation before May 28.

People Records



Think of the Contact record as a profile. Or, if you're a little older, a rolodex ;)

  • All People in your database start as a Contact.
  • The Contact record contains personal information such as gender, birthday, mobile phone, and email.


The Participant record will tell you how people are involved with your church. Or, in other words, how they are participating in your church's groups and activities.

  • If a Contact participates in the Church, they will also be a Participant.
  • The Participant record contains all the Contact's participation in Groups and Events.


A donor is someone who contributes to your church financially. While every Donor also had a Contact record, not every Contact will have a Donor record.

  • If a Contact donates to the Church, they will also be a Donor.
  • The Donor record contains all the Contact's Donations and Pledges.


Users include employees and volunteers who access the Platform for their work. But people who give online, register for events, or manage groups are also users.

  • If a Contact uses any of the platform applications, they will also be a User.
  • The User record contains the Username, Password, and Permissions.


Households are a collection of Contacts who live together and are usually related.

  • A Contact belongs to a Household.
  • This record contains the Contact's physical address, home phone, and Congregation.
  • The household can also contain other Contacts.