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Configuration Settings


When making changes to Configuration Settings that affect the Portal, use the Portal Admin page to reload the settings. The "Reload Configuration Settings" button is at the bottom of the page.

The following Configuration Settings are edited in the platform and control various aspects of the Portal.

PORTAL: AllowCancelPledge
Hides the option to cancel a pledge in the portal. The default is TRUE.

PORTAL: AllowImageUpload
Set to TRUE or FALSE. Enables or disables image uploads.

PORTAL: AllowMissionTripViewAmounts
Set to TRUE or FALSE. Enables or disables the ability for mission trip participants to view the amounts of donations given to their trip's Pledge.

PORTAL: AllowMissionTripViewDonors
Set to TRUE or FALSE. Enables or disables the ability for mission trip participants to view the names and addresses of people who have given to their mission trip pledge.

PORTAL: AllowMyGivingImages
Set to TRUE or FALSE. If set to true, users will be able to see all images for each Donation listed on My_Giving.aspx.

PORTAL: AllowURLAuthentication
Set to TRUE or FALSE. If false, auto-login URLs will not function on the Portal. This includes links from special fields in the New Message tool and the Impersonate Portal User tool.

PORTAL: authorizePopupUrl
The URL for implementing PCI compliant Authorize.Net transactions. If you use Authorize.Net for your payments, this value will be See Payments via the Portal.

PORTAL: authorizeUrl
The URL for implementing PCI compliant Authorize.Net transactions. If you use Authorize.Net for payments, this value will be See Payments via the Portal.

PORTAL: BackgroundCheckOverrideSaveReport
Prevents Background Check Report URLs from being saved to MP. Available upon request for customers who wish to override the default behavior.

PORTAL: CacheCampusesMinistriesPrograms
Determines whether a list of Campuses, Ministries, and Programs are cached.

PORTAL: CampusLabel
The label to be used where a drop-down list of Congregations is displayed.

PORTAL: CancelGiftEmailSubject
The email subject for canceled gift notifications.

PORTAL: CancelMyEventSubject
The email subject for event registration cancellations via my_events.aspx.

PORTAL: CancelPledgeEmailSubject
The email subject for canceled Pledges.

PORTAL: CartSummaryAmountDueText
Controls the text in the final row of the Transaction and Invoice Summary during the Portal Checkout process.

PORTAL: CartSummaryAmountPaidText
Text displayed by the grand total of an invoice table when payment is complete.

PORTAL: CheckoutInstructions
These are instructions the church can provide on the final page of the checkout process (step 3 of 3, complete_transaction.aspx). These instructions will display whether cart items are free or paid.

PORTAL: CheckOutRedirectTitle
No Description.

PORTAL: ConfirmedParticipationStatusID
Participant_Status_ID. This is the ID representing the Participation Status of "Confirmed".

PORTAL: ContentManagerSecurityRoleID
This is the ID of the security role that is required to manage custom Portal pages.

PORTAL: ContentNotFoundMessage
If someone tries to navigate to a Portal page that doesn't exist, this is the message they will see.

PORTAL: ContributionNoDonationText
Text that is displayed on my_contribution_statement when no donations are found for the selected accounting company record.

Set to TRUE or FALSE. If true, Group Finder does not allow sign up for Groups if the number of pending Inquiries plus the number of Participants exceeds the Target Size. If false, only the number of Participants is considered against the Target Size. This is also used by the Group Is Full nightly routine that will to determine if a Group displays in the group Finder search results or not.

PORTAL: DefaultContactStatusID
Contact_Status_ID. This is used if a new Contact is created.

PORTAL: DefaultCurrency
Default currency value for pledges, donations, and/or payments if no currency is specified.

PORTAL: DefaultEventProgramID
Program_ID. This is used when events are created via My Groups. This also specifies the Program for Events created automatically by the Group Attendance Notification routine.

PORTAL: DefaultEventTypeID
Event_Type_ID. This is used when events are created via My Groups.

PORTAL: DefaultHouseholdSourceID
(19 = Website) This is used if a new Household is created through the application that uses this value.

PORTAL: DefaultMissionTripProgramID
Program_ID. This ID is used if a Mission Trip (Pledge Campaign) has no Program specified but is available on mission_trip_giving.aspx.

PORTAL: DefaultParticipantID
Default Participant ID used when creating a new Participant record.

PORTAL: DefaultParticipantTypeID
Participant_Type_ID. This is used if a new Participant record is created.

PORTAL: DefaultRedirectPage
This specifies the page that users will be taken to after successfully logging in.

PORTAL: DefaultStatementFrequencyID
Statement_Frequency_ID. This is used if a new Donor record is created.

PORTAL: DefaultStatementMethodID
Statement_Method_ID. This is used if a new Donor record is created.

PORTAL: DefaultStatementTypeID
Statement_Type_ID. This is used if a new Donor record is created.

PORTAL: DonationDistributionSubTabID
Identifies the Sub_Page_ID of the Distributions tab on the Donations page.

PORTAL: DownloadBGCheckReports
If true, the completed Background Check will be downloaded and attached to the Background Check record. The completed Background Check can also be accessed via the Report URL.

PORTAL: EmailDomain
Use this setting to define the primary email domain of your organization. Emails from users with this domain will NOT be proxied.

PORTAL: EmailProxyFrom
Defines the from email to be used when the sender is not on EmailDomain. This allows other domains to send email through your domain. This address will be used in the FROM field and the actual sender will be used in the REPLY TO field.

PORTAL: ErrorEmail
Recommend leaving this This is the from address for automated error emails. Support may change this to a different email if your system is unable to send email from

PORTAL: EventGroupsSubtabID
Identifies the Sub_Page_ID of the Groups tab on the Events page.

PORTAL: FailedAccountEmailTo
Set this to an email address that will receive notifications when user accounts fail to be created. Leave this blank to disable the notification email.

PORTAL: FreeAmountText
Event_signup.aspx. If any product options for an event registration are free, this text replaces the dollar amount.

PORTAL: FreeCheckoutInstructions
These are additional instructions that are only displayed if there is no balance due in the cart. You can inform users that they need to complete the final page to register for free events.

PORTAL: GroupEventRecurrenceYears
No Description.

PORTAL: GroupFinderGroupTypeID
Group_Type_ID. This ID is used to define what groups can be displayed on the Group Finder.

PORTAL: GroupFromEmail
Configures the From Email Address when people sign-up for groups. If blank, the emails do not send. The default is blank to disable the email.

PORTAL: MakeAPledgeEmailSubject
The email subject for newly created Pledge records.

PORTAL: MissionTripCampaignTypeID
Campaign_Type_ID. Identifies the Pledge Campaign Type for Mission Trips.

PORTAL: MissionTripCostLabel
Use this setting to customize the Mission Trip Cost label for your church culture.

PORTAL: MissionTripGivingCampaignTitle
The label for the list of available mission trips on mission_trip_giving.aspx.

PORTAL: MissionTripGivingPageTitle
The main page header for mission_trip_giving.aspx.

PORTAL: MissionTripGivingUrl
The URL to redirect users to for payment. If no URL is entered, an error message will display on the payment page directing users to the church website. See Payments via the Portal .
If you use, this setting will support a token. To automatically log users in to when they're logged in to the Portal, include "?mp_token={ogo-token}" at the end of your MissionTripGivingUrl. When the user logs in to the Portal and clicks the link to give, {ogo-token} is replaced with the actual token, and the user will be logged in to If they're not logged in to the Portal and they click the link, they're prompted to log in.

PORTAL: MyCallsAssignableUserID
Contact Log entries assigned to be Made By this User ID will display on the My Calls page and be visible to all call team members. They can take over that contact log entry.

PORTAL: MyCallsFromEmail
Email address that will send all notices relating to "My_Calls".

PORTAL: MyCallsCustomFormGuid
Form GUID of the Custom Form that will display on the My Calls page.  

PORTAL: MyCallsSecurityRoleID
Individuals with this security role can use the My Calls page of the public portal.

PORTAL: MyEventsCancelButtonText
Text for the "cancel" button on my_events.aspx.

PORTAL: MyEventsConfirmButtonText
Text for the "confirm" button on my_events.aspx.

PORTAL: NewGroupCongregationID
Congregation_ID. This is used when a new Group is created via Suggest a Group.

PORTAL: NewGroupMinistryID
Ministry_ID. This is used when a new Group is created via Suggest a Group.

PORTAL: NewGroupTypeID
Group_Type_ID. This is used when a new Group is created via Suggest a Group.

PORTAL: NewUserCanCreateContact
Set to TRUE or FALSE. If disabled, the Portal will not allow users to create new user accounts if the information provided on the new account form (login.aspx) does not match an existing contact record.

PORTAL: NewUserContactNotFoundMessage
Message displayed when a Portal user is attempting to create a new user account and the information provided is not accepted. Displayed from login.aspx when NewUserCanCreateContact is set to FALSE or the email address the new users is attempting to use is already found in our database.

PORTAL: NewUserEmailSubject
The email subject for new user account requests.

PORTAL: NewUserFromEmail
Email address that will send all notices relating to new user account creation, forgotten passwords, etc.

PORTAL: NewUserInstructions
Text that displays when someone accesses the my_user_account.aspx page via a special URL and they do not yet have a user account record.

PORTAL: NMICheckoutUrl
The NMI payment API URL. See Set Up NMI in the Portal.

A public key used in the collect.js implementation in the portal. See Set Up NMI in the Portal.

PORTAL: NMITransactionKey
A private key used to send requests to the NMI payments API. See Set Up NMI in the Portal.

PORTAL: OnlineGivingEmailSubject
The email subject for all online contributions emails.

PORTAL: OnlineGivingFromEmail
Email address that will send all notices relating to online contributions.

PORTAL: OnlineGivingUrl
The URL to redirect users to for payment. If no URL is entered, an error message will display on the payment page directing users to the church website. See Payments via the Portal.
If you use, this setting will support a token. To automatically log users in to when they're logged in to the Portal, include "?mp_token={ogo-token}" at the end of your OnlineGivingUrl. When the user logs in to the Portal and clicks the link to give, {ogo-token} is replaced with the actual token, and the user will be logged in to If they're not logged in to the Portal and they click the link, they're prompted to log in.

PORTAL: OnlineStatementHideColumns
Use this setting to hide specific columns from the Online Statement. Valid options are comma delimited and include paymentmethod, itemnumber, designation, currency.

PORTAL: OnlineStatementMethodID
Use this setting to configure the Statement Method ID that corresponds to online or email. The default value is 2 (email/online).

PORTAL: ParentGroupLabel
The label to be used where a drop-down list of Parent Groups is displayed. (group_finder.aspx)

PORTAL: PaymentsEmailSubject
The email subject for event registrations and balance payments.

PORTAL: PaymentsFromEmail
Email address that will send all notices relating to Event Registrations.

PORTAL: PendingGroupRoleID  *Deprecated as of the November 2016 Report & Database Release*
Group_Role_ID. Identifies the Group Role used to create a Group Participant record for someone that signs up for a group (via the Group Finder). These people are found by group leaders under my_group_members.

This is overridden by the Default Group Role found on the Group Type record.

PORTAL: PendingPledgeMessage
my_pledges.aspx. Controls the text displayed to a user when a Pledge with a status of "pending" is displayed.

PORTAL: PortalAdminRoleID
This defines the security role by ID that is allowed to access the PortalAdmin interface. This defaults to 2 which is the ID for the Administrator role.

PORTAL: PublicVisibilityLevelID
Visibility_Level_ID. This is used to determine which events are labeled "Public" and therefore will show on event_calendar.aspx.

PORTAL: Redirect_Event_Calendar
Permanent redirect away from the Event Calendar page in the Portal. If you're using widgets, the value should be the URL of your Event Finder widget. If you plan to redirect Event Details, we recommend setting this value so that saved links and search engines will direct to your new location.

PORTAL: Redirect_Event_Details
Permanent redirect away from the Event Details page in the Portal, including the ID in the query string. If you're not ready to move to the Event Finder widget, you can redirect just the events themselves to your Event Details widget. We recommend setting this value so that saved links and search engines will direct to your new location.

PORTAL: Redirect_Make_A_Pledge
Permanent redirect away from the Make A Pledge page in the Portal, including the ID in the query string, if applicable. The value should be the URL where congregants can view pledge campaigns.

PORTAL: Redirect_Mission_Trip_Giving
Redirect away from the Mission Trip Giving page in the Portal. This replaces the {ogo-token}. The value should be the URL where people can view your mission trip giving.

PORTAL: Redirect_Mission_Trip_Registration
Permanent redirect away from the Mission Trip Registration page in the Portal. The query string [missionTripId] will be transferred to [id] if applicable. The value should be the URL where people can view your mission trips or search for events.

PORTAL: Redirect_Mission_Trips
Permanent redirect away from the Mission Trips page in the Portal. The value should be the URL where people can view your upcoming mission trips.

PORTAL: Redirect_My_Giving
Permanent redirect away from the My Giving page in the Portal. If you're using widgets, the value should be the URL where of your My Giving widget. We recommend setting this value so that saved links and search engines will direct to your new location.

PORTAL: Redirect_Online_Giving
Redirect away from the Online Giving page in the Portal. This replaces the {ogo-token}. The value should be the URL of your giving page. This works with the existing online giving token replacement, if available.

PORTAL: Redirect_Transaction_Summary
Permanent redirect away from the Transaction Summary page in the Portal. If you're using widgets, the value should be the URL of your My Invoices widget. We recommend setting this value so that saved links and search engines will direct to your new location.

PORTAL: RegisteredParticipationStatusID
Participant_Status_ID. This is the ID representing the Participation Status of "Registered".

PORTAL: ShareLinkHelpText
Relates to the Share Link on mission_trip_giving.aspx. Allows a church to change the help text next to the URL text box.

PORTAL: ShowCurrencyOnContributionStatement
Displays the currency my_contribution_statement.htm.

PORTAL: ShowGroupContactInfo
Set to TRUE or FALSE. Determines whether or not group primary contact's home phone number should be shown for Groups on the Group Finder.

PORTAL: ShowMissionTripGivingShareLink
Set to TRUE or FALSE. Enables or disables the share link's visibility on mission_trip_giving.aspx.

PORTAL: ShowMyGivingCurrency
Displays the currency on my_giving.aspx.

PORTAL: ShowMyGivingStatus
Displays the processing status on my_giving.aspx.

PORTAL: StatementDesignationType
1 = Statement Header 2 = Statement Title 3 = Full Detail. (Statement title used unless event title exists. The name of the person whose pledge was credited displays if it was someone other than the donor.)

PORTAL: SuggestAGroupButtonText
Text on the "suggest a group" button found on group_finder.aspx.

PORTAL: SuggestAGroupURL
URL for the page that handles new group suggestions.

PORTAL: UrlExpireAfterHours
Defines how many hours may pass before encrypted URLs will expire. The default is 24.

PORTAL: UseOnlineDirectory
Set to TRUE or FALSE. Enables or Disables the online directory page and the directory preferences on my_user_account.aspx.

PORTAL: VolunteerFromEmail
Email address that will send all notices relating to "My_Events".