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Group Last Attended


This View shows the last time someone in a Group was marked Attended or Confirmed.

Difficulty: Intermediate
Purpose: Creates a Field that will show the last time (most recent) someone in that Group was marked Attended or Confirmed for that Group, enabling the user to quickly see which Groups have taken attendance recently.
Page: Groups

Last Attended Field

Create your view including desired filters and add the following to the "Field List" in the SQL view:

 ,(SELECT MAX(E.Event_Start_Date) FROM Event_Participants EP 
INNER JOIN Events E ON E.Event_ID = EP.Event_ID INNER JOIN Group_Participants GP 
ON EP.Group_Participant_ID = GP.Group_Participant_ID 
WHERE GP.Group_ID = Groups.Group_ID AND EP.Participation_Status_ID IN (3,4)) AS Last_Attended