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Sacraments Reports


In addition to reports on multiple pages, the reports below are available specifically in the Sacraments section of MinistryPlatform:

  • Selected Sacraments Certificates
    Report for printed sacrament certificates using the selected records.
    Pages: Catholic systems only - All Sacraments, Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, Marriage
  • Selected Sacrament Export
    Export of sacrament data that can be merged into an external template (in Microsoft Word, for example). This is useful for printing custom certificates.
    Pages: Catholic systems only - All Sacraments, Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, Marriage
  • Selected Sacrament Notification Letter
    Letter to the parish of baptism notifying them of an individual's received sacrament.
    Pages: Catholic systems only - First Communion, Confirmation, Marriage