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Configuring Mission Trip Application


Quick Start

Get people off on the right foot with their Mission Trips with a simple application and helpful fundraising visualization. See the Quick Start Guide for tips on getting the Mission Trip Application Widget up and running.

If the shared script hasn't been added to your website, add it to your desired webpage. Be sure to replace "{your platform domain}" in the following code with your church's base MP URL.

<script id="MPWidgets" src="https://{your platform domain}/widgets/dist/MPWidgets.js"></script>

Create a webpage on your website that will display your Mission Trip Application Widget or identify the page on your website where it will be displayed.

Add the Mission Trip Application Widget to your church website by placing this snippet of code in the body of your chosen webpage and modifying the required attributes described below.

Tip: While not mandatory, this snippet would typically be placed inside a <div> element with the class "container."

Widget Configuration

Required attributes are necessary for Widgets to function.
  • Pledge Campaign ID: Determines the Campaign ID of Pledge Campaigns which will be eligible to appear in My Mission Trips.
    • Attribute: pledgecampaignid
    • Values: Pledge Campaign ID (FYI, this is the Missions Trip ID)
Recommended attributes allow you to expand the Mission Trip Application Widget.
  • Applicant Email Template: Confirmation email sent after an individual has successfully submitted an application. 
    • Attribute: applicantemailtemplate
    • Valid Values: Message ID (Note: this is a Message page ID, not a Template page ID) or Empty for unspecified
    • Merge Fields and Snippets: Personalize your message with Merge Fields! Want to get really fancy? Snippets can be used in your Widget messages! All you need to do is add the Domain_GUID and Contact_GUID to the Default Field List of the table on which the record is created by the Widget
      • Open the Domain record and copy the Domain GUID
      • Open the Page record and edit the Default Field List
      • Add Contact_ID_Table.[Contact_GUID] AS [Contact GUID]
      • Save Default Field List
      • Ensure your snippet includes both the Domain_GUID and Contact_GUID


All attributes must be included before the opening Widget tag is closed. Attributes may be listed in any order and should be separated by a space (or other whitespace). Each attribute's value should be wrapped in quote marks.

<mpp-mission-trip pledgecampaignid="5" applicantemailtemplate="1200"></mpp-mission-trip>
Configure Your Widget!

Simply fill out the Widget Configurator below, copy your generated Widget, and paste it into your website. 

Update Configuration Parameters

Setting Name
My Value

Preview & Copy

Platform Configuration

Any Pledge Campaign can be configured as a Mission Trip Widget. The Pledge Campaign must meet the following criteria to display the Application Form and actively accept new Applications:

  • Registration Start and End dates are defined, and today's date is between them.
  • Allow Online Pledge is set to "Yes".
  • The Maximum Registrants (if defined) has not been reached.
  • The Fundraising Goal is defined. This will be the Total Pledge for each applicant.
  • To collect additional information on your Mission Trip Application:
    1. Create a Custom Form asking the desired questions.
    2. Stewardship > Pledge Campaign.
    3. Open the desired Pledge Campaign.
    4. Add the Custom form in the Registration Form field on the Pledge Campaign record.
  • Pledge Campaign can be associated with an Event. If associated, trip dates from the Event display. Otherwise, the trip dates will be hidden.

An image attached as a File to the Pledge Campaign will be displayed. If there is no image, a stock image will display. File formats supported both by browsers and the Platform are: bmp, gif, jpg, and png. The widget will crop and focus on the center of the image according to an ideal ratio of 59/32.


All Widgets are customizable, so change the button color and update the labels to match YOUR church!

CSS: Every Widget accepts the Custom CSS attribute. Include it before the opening Widget tag is closed to customize your Widgets.

Application Labels: Call them Service Trips instead of Missions Trips? Call it Trip Cost instead of Fundraising Goal? You can update that (and more)! Navigate to System Setup > Application Labels (note that churches are responsible for all translations if the default is not used) and make your update.

  • mpp-mission-trip.applyTitle - Application form header. Default is "Apply to this Mission Trip".
  • mpp-mission-trip.goalLabel - Label for the Pledge Goal. Default is "Goal".
  • mpp-mission-trip.fundraisingGoalLabel - Label for Fundraising Goal. Default is "Fundraising Goal".