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User Preferences Glossary


There are lots of preferences a user can define. So which ones should you set as the global default? Use this glossary to learn about each preference and determine which ones you should select.

Note that the entries you see on the User Preferences page in MinistryPlatform are generated by the system based on each user's actions. We do not recommend manually editing an individual user's preferences. (They will probably change it back to the way they wanted it anyway.) Remember, the preferences you set as the global default should only be used as a starting point for new users. From there, users should be allowed to change their preferences depending on how they want their instance to look.

Note about {screen-size}: Some keys have a screen-size prefix of XL, LG, MD, SM, or XS. This tells you which screen size the setting is tailored for. For example, a user may have charts enabled when they're on an extra-large screen (like their 27" monitor) or a large screen (17" laptop) but not on a medium screen (like their 9" tablet), a small screen (4" phone), or an extra-small screen (1" smart watch).

The following four settings are the ones administrators will care about most often. These are the most common to set as global defaults.

  • Key: {screen-size}_CHARTS
  • Definition: Shows or hides charts on each page. This can be set differently based on screen-size. For example, charts may be hidden on XS screens but shown on LG screens that have more space to work with.
  • Values: true (show) or false (hide)
Navigation Mode
  • Key: NAV_MODE
  • Definition: Determines whether the Basic Menu or Advanced Menu displays on the left.
  • Values: true (Advanced) or false (Basic)
Page Layout Type
  • Key: {screen-size}_PAGE_LAYOUT_TYPE
  • Definition: Determines whether each page displays Grid or List layout. This can be set differently based on screen-size. For example, Grid layout may be used on XS screens whereas List layout is better for LG screens that have more space.
  • Values: grid, list, or calendar (where applicable)
Record Insights
  • Key: {screen-size}_RECORD_INSIGHTS
  • Definition: Shows or hides record insights on each page. This can be set differently based on screen-size. For example, record insights may be hidden on XS screens but shown on LG screens that have more space to work with.
  • Values: true (show) or false (hide)

These are additional settings that users may or may not have set. You likely won't include these when setting global defaults, but most are available if needed.

  • Definition: Indicates the last product announcement that the user dismissed. Note: We do not recommend including this preference when you create the global defaults.
  • Values: (contains the Announcement ID of the last announcement the user dismissed)
  • Key: COLUMNS
  • Definition: Indicates the display sequence of a list of columns for a given page or view.
  • Values: (contains a sequence of numbers)
File Resize
  • Definition: Indicates the default option a user chose for resizing attached image files.
  • Values: 0 (Do Not Resize), 150 (Small), 300 (Medium), 600 (Large), or 800 (X-Large)
Global Filter
  • Definition: Indicates the ID of the Congregation/Parish for the global filter a user chose at the top of the Platform.
  • Values: (contains the ID of the Congregation/Parish; -1 is "All Permitted")
Page Search Mode
  • Definition: Indicates whether a user has column search enabled for a certain page.
  • Values: true (column search on) or false (column search off)
Recent Records
  • Definition: Indicates the pages and records the user most recently accessed. Note: We do not recommend including this preference when you create the global defaults.
  • Values: (contains information for the most recent pageID, recordId, pageName, and recordName)
Recent Records Mode
  • Definition: Shows or hides the Recent Records section under the navigation menu.
  • Values: true (show) or false (hide)
  • Key: SORT
  • Definition: Determines whether a specific column is sorted on a certain page or view.
  • Values: (contains information for the columnId and direction to sort for each page/view)
Sort List
  • Key: SORT_LIST
  • Definition: Determines whether a list of records on a certain page or view is sorted in ascending or descending order.
  • Values: true (sorted ascending) or false (sorted descending)
Timezone Locale Skip
  • Definition: Determines whether a user is prompted to provide or update their time zone when they log in to the Platform. Once provided/updated, the value changes from "false" to "true".
  • Values: true (skip) or false (don't skip)