Your Knowledge Base has moved to the new Help Center.  Check out the release notes for details. And don't forget to update your bookmarks and in-house documentation before May 28.

Email Templates


NeedConnect is used to identify users with needs to users who can help provide assistance.  People who request Needs or offer to provide assistance, receive various email templates throughout various steps in the process. These emails contain special links and tokens that trigger different workflow and follow-up scenarios. See the Quick Start for a big picture of how the process works together.

We provide all of the initial email templates at install. However, churches are free to edit or add their own as desired.

Need Connect Emails


The following special tokens are supported in emails automatically sent by NeedConnect:

  • Verification Token [Verification_Return_URL] - The verification link/token holds the submitted data as pending until the link is clicked. Once clicked, it returns the user to the verification message.  Upon clicking, the following actions are done in the Platform: Creates Provider, Need Type Provider and/or Need records. Expires after 72 hours if left unclicked. 
  • Decline Token [Decline_Need_Url] - Unassigns the Provider from the Need. Once clicked, it returns to the unassigned message.
  • Complete Token [Complete_Need_Url] - Marks the Need as Complete. Once clicked, returns the user to the complete message.
  • Cancel Token [Cancel_Need_Url] - Immediately marks the Need as Complete, clears the Provider field, and adds a Note: "Cancelled by Requester". Displays the cancelled message.
  • Base URL Token [Need_Connect_Base_Url] - Resolves the base Need Connect URL for your system (e.g. Can be used as [Need_Connect_Base_Url]board or [Need_Connect_Base_Url]assignments to redirect to those specific areas of the application.
Email Templates

Please note, since Messages can be renamed these Messages may appear with different names in your system than what is listed here:

Requester Confirmation Email Template - The email template an unauthenticated User requesting help receives after they have indicated they have a need. Users will need to click the Verification link to confirm their information. This Message requires a verification token for Need or Provider records to be created in the Platform. Additionally, since records have not yet been created for this User in the Platform at this point, Contact Merge Fields are not available. 

  • Required Token: Verification Token [Verification_Return_URL]
  • Available Merge Fields: None (see note above)
  • When it's triggered: After completing the "I NEED Help" form 
  • Configuration Setting: CLOUDAPPS, RequesterConfirmationEmailTemplateID

Provider Confirmation Email Template - The email template an unauthenticated User offering to provide help receives after they have indicated they can help others in need. User will need to click the Verification link to confirm their information. This Message requires a verification token for Need or Provider records to be created in the Platform. Additionally, since records have not yet been created for this User in the Platform at this point, Contact Merge Fields are not available. 

  • Required Token: Verification Token [Verification_Return_URL]
  • Available Merge Fields: None (see note above)
  • When it's triggered: After completing the "I CAN Help" form
  • Configuration Setting: CLOUDAPPS, ProviderConfirmationEmailTemplateID

Provider Assignment Email Template - The email template that is sent to a Provider after they have been assigned to a need via the Connect Board. Assignments made from the Platform will not trigger this email. This email contains the Requester's name, phone, and postal code, and includes a button to “Decline” (Unassigning the user from the request and allowing the request to appear again on the Connect Board) as well as a link to the My Assignments page (requiring user login) allowing the Provider to see all accepted Assignments.

  • Required Token: Decline Token [Decline_Need_Url], Link to My Assignments
  • Available Merge Fields: Contact Merge Fields, [Requester_Name], [Need_Type], [Requester_Email], [Requester_Mobile_Phone], [Need_Created_Date]
  • When it's triggered: After a Provider has accepted an assignment via the Connect Board.
  • Configuration Setting: CLOUDAPPS, ProviderAssignmentEmailTemplateID

Need Assigned Email Template: The email template that is sent to a Requester confirming their need has been assigned to a Provider via the Connect Board. Assignments made from the Platform will not trigger this email. This email includes a link to "Cancel" (Marking the need as "Complete").   

  • Required Token: Cancel Token [Cancel_Need_Url]
  • Available Merge Fields: Contact Merge Fields, [Requester_Name], [Need_Type], [Requester_Email], [Requester_Mobile_Phone], [Need_Created_Date]
  • When it's triggered:  After a Provider has been assigned to the Requester's specific need via the Connect Board. 
  • Configuration Setting: CLOUDAPPS, NeedAssignedEmailTemplateID

Note: The selected Author User, From Contact, and Reply To Contact for these email templates should not be secured using Record Security. This will prevent Need Contact from sending emails and prevent Need Connect from functioning properly. Please assign these values to an unsecured User and Contact.

Configuration Settings

The following Configuration Settings are edited in the Platform and control various aspects of the Need Connect application email template values:

  • CLOUDAPPS, ProviderConfirmationEmailTemplateID
    The ID value of the Message Template that should be sent to the Provider after they have indicated they can help.
  • CLOUDAPPS, RequesterConfirmationEmailTemplateID
    The ID value of the Message Template that should be sent to the Requester after they have indicated they need help.
  • CLOUDAPPS, ProviderAssignmentEmailTemplateID 
    The ID value of the Message Template that should be sent to the Provider after they have been assigned a Requester including a link to assignment board.
  • CLOUDAPPS, NeedAssignedEmailTemplateID
    The ID value of the Message Template that should be sent to the Need Requester after their needs has been assigned a Provider including link to cancel.

Platform Emails

Email Templates

Provider Invite Email Template - The email template the Provider user receives once the church has approved them. This email contains a link to the Connect Board as well as the My Assignments page.    

Provider Follow-up Email Template: The email template a Provider receives once an assignment becomes incomplete (See Needs Campaign Setup). This email contains two options for the Provider to choose: "Complete" (thanking the Provider via a confirmation landing page) or "Decline" (unassigning the user and putting the Need back on the Connect Board). Both "Complete" and "Decline" give the Provider the option to navigate back to the Connect Board for further Needs assignments. 

  • Required Links: Link to the Connect Board and My Assignments pages as well as direct links to "Complete" or "Decline" an assignment. 
  • Link Configuration: Complete and Decline links must be configured using the Need Connect base URL followed by the Complete or Decline string. These links rely on the Platform token [Need_Guid] which must be listed in the Default Field List of the Needs Page.  
    • Complete: /NeedConnect/Assignments?complete=[Need_Guid]
    • Decline: /NeedConnect/Assignments?decline=[Need_Guid]
  • Available Merge Fields: Contact Merge Fields, Data Merge Fields (Needs page)
  • Item Notification: Varies based on church desired setup. Recommended: Daily, to Results Using Template for "Follow Up Today" view.

The NeedConnect Provider Invitation Process is provided at install and can be edited if desired.

  • Active: True at install.
  • When it's triggered: After a MinistryPlatform User (Church Staff) has approved the Provider to help.

See: Default Processes and Provider Approval

Item Notifications

We strongly encourage one User to set up the following Item Notifications:

Provider Follow-Up Notification:

  • Contents of View: Follow Up Today
  • Results using Template: Provider Follow Up Email ("Were you able to help?")
  • Schedule Daily at the desired time

This will trigger a daily email to Providers when the assigned Need first exceeds the Expected Days to Complete defined on the Need Campaign (Today's date - Assigned_Date).

  1. Go to Needs page.
  2. Select the Follow Up Today view.
  3. Click Notify.
  4. Choose Contents of View: Follow Up Today.
  5. Choose Results using Template: We're you able to help?
  6. Choose Using New Schedule: Daily at the desired Time.
  7. Click Save.

New Need Type Provider Notification:

  • Contents of View: Approve Providers
  • User Group members: User Group with individuals who can approve Providers
  • Schedule Daily at the desired time. Consider setting multiple notifications so these are addressed multiple times a day (we recommend 10am, 2pm, 5pm).

This will trigger a daily email to staff when new Need Provider Types are created. 

  1. Go to Need Type Providers page.
  2. Select the Approve Providers view.
  3. Click Notify.
  4. Choose Contents of View: Approve Providers
  5. Choose User Group Members: User Group of Users who will approve Providers
  6. Choose Using New Schedule: Daily at the desired Time.
  7. Click Save.

See: Item Notifications